In fact, this is love for God: to keep his commands. And his commands are not burdensome,
[1 John 5:3]


    1. 3 Development Environment 

        The development environment for Spring Boot typically consists of an Integrated Development Environment (IDE), Java Development Kit (JDK), Spring Boot CLI, build tools (such as Maven or Gradle), and property files. This environment enables developers to efficiently develop and run Spring Boot applications.

        Here's a detailed list of the topics

  • 1.3.1 JDK, Java Development Kit:
  • 1.3.2 IDE, Integrated Development Environment:
  • 1.3.3 STS 4:
  • 1.3.4 Intelli J:

1.3.1 JDK:

   - Spring Boot was released in 2014 by the Spring development team with the aim of making it easier for developers to build Spring-based applications.

   - In its initial versions, Spring Boot focused on simplifying and integrating certain functionalities of the Spring Framework, allowing developers to minimize basic configurations and start quickly.

   - As of 2023, version 22 is the latest, but version 17 is commonly used. Therefore, strongly recommend installing JDK version 17.

JDK 17 Download

1.3.2 IDE:

   - Auto-configuration: Spring Boot automatically loads configuration information related to the application's classpath, eliminating the need for developers to write separate configurations.

   - Embedded server: Spring Boot provides an embedded server, allowing developers to run and test applications easily without configuring an external server.

   - Starters: Spring Boot offers starters to manage dependencies on various Spring Framework modules, enabling developers to easily add required functionalities.

1.3.3 STS 4:

   - Spring Boot configures applications using core features of the Spring Framework. It utilizes mechanisms such as auto-configuration, conditional configuration, property sources, and external environment configuration.

   - Additionally, Spring Boot supports rapid application startup and execution using embedded servers.

   - STS 4 is completely free and an official development environment, so I recommend installing it.

STS 4 Download

1.3.4 Intelli J:

   - Spring Boot is suitable for various use cases including web applications, microservices, and RESTful APIs. It is widely adopted by enterprises of all sizes, from large corporations to startups, for rapid and efficient application development and deployment.

   - With a vast ecosystem, Spring Boot provides diverse extension libraries, plugins, and tools to help developers build applications more effectively. The Spring Boot community offers continuous updates and support, enabling developers to apply the latest technologies and best practices.

   - The reason for introducing IntelliJ is because it's the most famous and widely used development environment. The issue, however, is that the official version is paid.

Intelli J Download

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